Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
Pop fans who aren't a fan of the best could be thrilled by the potential implications for Katy Perry pipping Taylor Swift in the race to be Forbess highest-paid woman in music for 2018. But the real excitement lies in Forbes' top 10 list, which is where the possibility of a challenger be found. Helene Fischer is ranked No. 8 on Forbes' top 10, close to Rihanna, and above Celine Dion, as well Britney Spears. Who? The German-Russian actress is very tight on her lips. She would like to be an everyday woman. The butter she loves is a must, but in interviews, she only discovers that her boyfriend is the German television personality who had her face tattooed across his arm. Fischer 34's biography, which is a bit boring and biographically lacking, states that she is a prominent member of Germanys Schlager musical scene. Its sound can be described as having two distinct modes. The first song is more of a bierhalle beat that moves through the topics of booze babes as well as Germany. Fischer is the perfect example of its antagonist the faithful woman who's heart beats faster and breathe stops as she contemplates her loving husband playing up her feminine feebleness to inspire his protective instincts. Schlager took on its traditional themes to counter the vulgar western pop which was sweeping across Germany following the Second World War. The popularity of Schlager is bolstered by the baby boomers, and even over. Fischer's Christmas specials include a full-on all-star show that makes Jools Annual Hootenanny appear as if it were club X on the channel 4. Schlager Country, with its country roots and down-home appeal is the closest thing to this style. The aggressive, synth-pop of Fischer makes her music as if she's German Taylor Swift. Swift's transformation into a pop star has made her a household name, however it is difficult to exaggerate how little praise is shown to Fischers truly awful music.
Claudia Wells, an American actress was born and brought up within Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. She is now based in San Francisco CA. Wells became famous for her character Jennifer Parker, Marty McFly's girlfriend in the 1985 movie Back to the Future. Wells appeared alongside a variety of famous actors in anti-drug music videos sponsored by the Reagan regime. The following year, she appeared in Babies Having Babies, and starred in Fast Times - a short live-action television show based on the 1982 hit movie Fast Times At Ridgemont High. Despite her career moving forward in a highly sought-after glide towards success in the entertainment industry, Claudia was forced to stop acting after her mother was diagnosed with cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia currently has more than fifty credits for film TV as well as the stage. The real work of her career is yet to come when she hopes to take on tough, slick and surprising parts. In her spare time, when she's not volunteering for charities or working as an actor on set Claudia manages her upscale male clothing shop called Armani Wells which you can find out more information about on the website

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